At the heart of Amsterdam Mastering is one of the most high-end mastering rooms to be found anywhere in the world. Completed at the beginning of 2009, it was designed by Thomas Jouanjean of Northward Acoustics and built by a team of specialist craftsmen. The studio is a cockpit design, floating bunker construction, isolated down to an incredible 20Hz, and features many technical innovations in acoustic design and construction. Although the interior of the studio is a spacious 42 square meters, the 12 inch thick floating concrete base actually covers 72 square meters, testament to the fact that in terms of isolation and absorption, this is a totally no compromise design. Gear is hand-picked from the best analog and digital equipment available, and includes pieces from API, Cranesong, Dave Hill Designs, Bowers & Wilkins, Z-Sys, RME, Buzz Audio, Hexateq & Benchmark, with custom studio furniture from Sterling modular.
For a detailed look at the design and construction of the studio, see here